Programs & Projects

A list of programs and projects that UUCE participants help with.

Upcoming Plate Share Sunday, March 16: UU Women’s FederationMission: It has always been the UUWF’s wish to join wholeheartedly with people everywhere in striving for universal human dignity, freedom, and peace. We are proud to have historically been the voice for women+ as an affiliate of the Unitarian Universalist Association.

Today, the Unitarian Universalist Women’s Federation is building on the legacy of our past, the achievements of the present, and our ambitions for the future. We recognize that, at times in our history, the UUWF advanced harmful white feminist practices that excluded and oppressed women+ of color. We are committed to the work that’s required both as individuals and as an institution to fully embody the justice we want to see in the world. With these truths in mind, we have crafted a vision for our future:

The UUWF builds covenantal relationships amongst UU women that equip us all to be better co-conspirators and allies in the movement for collective liberation.

This vision centers relationships and community-building as our primary work. We do this by offering programs that connect us with one another, teach us new perspectives and skills, and propel us to take meaningful action. We seek to support, illuminate, and build on the work and wisdom already active in congregations and communities across the country. We hope you’ll join us so that we can build a more just world, together.

Home – UU Women’s Federation

Monthly Plate Share – on the 3rd Sunday of every month, all collection plate money (not designated towards pledges) goes to an organization and/or group  whose missions, visions, and values align with Unitarian Universalism.

United Caring Services – members and friends of the UUCE provide a spaghetti dinner on the 3rd Friday of every month for the United Caring Services. Donations of spaghetti noodles and spaghetti sauce are needed; donation box located in lobby.

United Caring Services: Vision Statement: To be a place where individuals, organizations, and agencies collaboratively create a community of caring. The Mission: To provide values-based, low barrier, sustainable, and high-quality homeless shelters, services, and solutions.

AIDS Resource Group – donate necessities (i.e. soap, shampoo, toothpaste, deodorant, diapers); donation box located in lobby.

The Mission of the AIDS Resource Group is to provide quality specialized case management, HIV prevention education and supportive services to people living with, at-risk for or affected by HIV/AIDS. Furthermore, it is the goal of ARG to educate and empower the community to recognize and reduce the stigma associated with this disease.

Evansville Rescue Mission – donate toiletries (i.e. soap, shampoo, toothpaste, deodorant, diapers); donation box located lobby.

Patchwork Central Food Pantry – members and friends of the UUCE donate canned vegetables and fruit and volunteer at the Patchwork Central Food Pantry; donation box located in lobby.

Patchwork Central creates community and encourages spiritual and social growth by offering hospitality, providing opportunities for learning, fostering creativity and involvement in the arts, working toward a more peaceful and just world.