Programs & Projects

A list of programs and projects that UUCE participants help with and points of contact for more information.

United Caring Services – members and friends of the UUCE provide a spaghetti dinner on the 3rd Friday of every month for the United Caring Services. Donations of spaghetti and spaghetti sauce are needed; box and volunteer sign-up sheet located in church foyer; John Schaeffer coordinator.

The Mission of United Caring Services: Grounded in unconditional love reflected by our diverse faith communities, we commit ourselves to service with the poor, homeless, and vulnerable. Believing every person deserves to realize their God-given potential, we dedicate ourselves to passionately advocate for a compassionate and just society. Recognizing the dignity and worth of each person, we provide safety, shelter, food, life coaching, and hope.

AIDS Resource Group – donate toiletries (i.e. soap, shampoo, toothpaste, deodorant, diapers); box located in church foyer

The Mission of the AIDS Resource Group is to provide quality specialized case management, HIV prevention education and supportive services to people living with, at-risk for or affected by HIV/AIDS. Furthermore, it is the goal of ARG to educate and empower the community to recognize and reduce the stigma associated with this disease.

Evansville Rescue Mission – donate toiletries (i.e. soap, shampoo, toothpaste, deodorant, diapers); box located in church foyer

Patchwork Central Food Pantry – members and friends of the UUCE donate canned vegetables and fruit and volunteer at the Patchwork Central Food Pantry. John Schaeffer coordinator, box located in church foyer

Patchwork Central creates community and encourages spiritual and social growth by offering hospitality, providing opportunities for learning, fostering creativity and involvement in the arts, working toward a more peaceful and just world.