Frequently Asked Questions about the Religious Exploration (RE) Program

Do you charge a registration fee?

We do not charge a registration fee, but rather rely on your generous annual pledge to provide funds for the general operating budget, which includes the Religious Exploration Program.  For children and youth, we do ask that you fill out a Family Registration Form, located on the visitors table in the lobby.  For Adult Religious Exploration programs, please see below.

Can children and youth attend worship services that are not multigenerational?

We encourage children and youth to attend the first part of each service.  Children and youth have the option to remain throughout the entire worship service, but may gain a better, age-appropriate, understanding of our UU faith by attending RE classes.  Our RE classes engage the children and youth in spiritual and intellectual activities that fulfill the need adults gain from the worship services. After being sung out of the service, children and teachers gather in the church foyer.  Teachers accompany the children to the nursery and Credo Room (just off of the nursery). We invite visitors to accompany their children to their class if they would like to see our classes. Classes are released after the service ends.

What are Adult Religious Exploration (ARE) Classes? 

Various ARE programs (classes, groups, and activities)  are offered on Sunday mornings and throughout the week.  In our religion, no one tells you what you must believe or how you must practice your faith.  Rather, we guide you along your path toward determining that for yourself. Our fourth principle calls that the “free and responsible search for truth and meaning.”   

How do I make a monetary contribution to the Religious Exploration Program? 

We rely on your generous annual pledge to the church to provide funds for the general operating budget, which includes the Religious Exploration Program.  If you would like to make a separate donation to the RE Committee or to volunteer with RE, please contact the Co-Directors of Religious Exploration via

Do you provide childcare for events that are not held during worship times on a Sunday? 

Upon request only, childcare can be provided for church-related events.  UUCE does not provide childcare for non-church groups.  For more information about requesting childcare for your event, contact the Administrative Office Assistant, at

How can I connect in person with other members and families outside of the sanctuary?

The UUCE community welcomes you to join us Sunday mornings after the 10:00am service for fellowship.  We encourage you to grab a cup of coffee and meet with your fellow congregants.  We provide coffee and other refreshments. UUCE has potlucks at special times throughout the year. We also have a “friends night out” and “circle supper” groups that meets for food and fellowship at an announced local restaurant or home. Everyone is invited to attend these meals.

What measures do you have in place to ensure the safety of our children and youth?

Please see our Safe Congregation Policy for a detailed list of procedures and do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions or concerns. The safety of the children is our number one priority.

Incidents and Safety:

  • For all infant, children or youth injuries, accidents, or illnesses that occur on church grounds during church-related events, a staff member will provide and fill out an Incident Report.  Parents or guardians will receive a copy of the report, and the staff will file additional copies in the church office.
  • If a staff member or member of the congregation has a concern about a child’s safety or well-being or suspects a problem, this information must be reported to the Director of Religious Exploration immediately.

Staff and Volunteers:

  • All staff (16 years or older), youth advisers (25 years or older), and volunteers (14 years or older) who work with our infants, children, and youth must complete a background check, sign a Code of Ethics  and undergo training.  Staff and volunteers may not provide any kind of medication for infants, children or youth.