Upcoming Sunday Youth Classes and Events:



January Youth Religious Exploration:
Hello Friends and Happy New Year!
Our January theme in Youth Religious Exploration: The Practice of Story, shows up in our living and loving. We use story to help us bond with each other as well as build our identities. At the core of our sessions is the idea that human beings are storytelling creatures and stories give us hope and help us grow. A major goal this month is to help our children understand and explore that we are made of two different types of stories, collective stories and individual stories, and that we use both of these to build our identities as individuals and communities. Our stories inspire the stories of others. Hearing others bravely tell their stories, we gain the courage to share and proudly embrace our own.  This month is all about remembering that stories help us make sense of our world. Without them, we would literally be lost. If you are feeling a bit lost – like we all do at times – I hope your reconnection with stories leads you back home.

Please reach out to one of us if you have questions, comments, or would like more information on our programming!

Much peace and love,

M’Lee & Ashley
Co-Directors of Religious Exploration

Religious Exploration

The Religious Exploration Department at UUCE enhances the spiritual growth of our infants, children, youth, and adults by providing a place where congregants of all ages share, interact, and experience “meaning making” about life within a welcoming environment of discovery and cooperation.  The Unitarian Universalist Association and independent UU authors develop the curricula we have chosen with you in mind.  Other components of our programming include worship, community building, special rituals and events, leadership development, social action, and fellowship.  Our programming is open to all persons, whatever their religious background or present beliefs, non-beliefs & questionings.

Ask a Unitarian Universalist their definition or interpretation of what “religious” and “religious education” means in our faith, and you will receive many different answers.  However varied these definitions, we are all certain of the role you play in your own experience in church. We believe that you are your own primary religious educator.  We urge you to honor your own wonderings and wanderings and share them with other people in the church community.  Everything and everyone in this congregation can contribute to your faith development.  We work toward building an atmosphere that respects and cares about individual differences and personhood while developing a strong UU identity.  We strive to build a multigenerational community that is enriched by the many cultural experiences we bring to one another.  In this company of “seekers” you will find ways to further build upon our beloved community of memory and hope.

Our program is only made possible by Religious Exploration staff, as well as numerous volunteers, and the Religious Exploration committee.