
Communications Committee looks at the many ways UUCE communicates both internally and externally. Working with the newsletter editor and the webmaster, the committee is identifying how to efficiently maintain e-mail lists, coordinate calendar activities and let members – and the public – know what is happening at UUCE.

Congregational Life Committee has two components: membership and caring.

In its membership role it strives to warmly welcome visitors, provide them with information about Unitarian Universalism and UUCE, and encourage them to return and ultimately become members.

In its caring capacity, it seeks to enhance the bond among church members/friends by planning activities for the congregation as a whole, such as holiday dinners, picnics, etc.

In addition, the Congregational Life Committee serves to extend the hearts and hands of UUCE to members and friends who are in need of help, support, transportation, or meals, or who are experiencing difficulties in their life journeys. The committee also has the privilege of writing and/or calling members and friends who are experiencing joys, significant milestones, illness, or sorrows in their lives.

House and Grounds Committee has the responsibility to maintain and enhance the church building, Chalice House, accessory structures and their surrounds. Its goal is to support the mission of the church by providing attractive, functioning, accessible and safe facilities.

Religious Exploration: The Mission of the Youth Religious Exploration Program is to nurture spiritual growth; help develop personal religious beliefs; create a foundation for Unitarian Universalist Identity; foster trust in community, church & humanity; and encourage living a life that makes a difference.

Our purpose is to enrich and enhance the experiences of caregivers, families, and youth in their journeys as spiritual beings. We welcome ideas for all ages activities and programming.

Social Justice: We strive to make UUCE a force for positive change in our community and in society at large. We help the church advocate for compassion, caring, peace, and justice, and respond through activities that help ease suffering and injustice in our community and the world.

A few of our social justice projects include providing, preparing, and serving dinner monthly to residents of United Caring Services; knitting items for Matthew 25 AIDS Services; participating in the New Orleans Rebirth Volunteer Program; and serving as a co-founder of Congregations Acting for Justice and Empowerment (CAJE).

Stewardship has direct responsibility for the annual budget drive, volunteer management, fundraising and the church’s finance committee. The committee is committed to serving our church community and actively engaging our church members the mission and vision of the church.

Worship Committee members have direct responsibility for planning and leading Sunday services. They act as Worship Leaders during the services, line up guest speakers or speak themselves, maintain the Google Drive forms related to Worship and maintain the planning calendar for services.

Membership in the committee is open to members and friends who believe that the church becomes healthier as more congregants are actively involved.