"Love is the spirit of this church and service its law"



2910 East Morgan
Evansville, IN  47711
(812) 474-1704



September 2009


Service Schedule:

            Sept 6      TBA

            Sept 13    Water Communion

            Sept 20    Gateway to World Religions- part 1

            Sept 27    Gateway to World Religions- part 2



    “Look at me!  Look at me!” I often shouted when I was a little girl.  I was desperate for everyone to notice my special qualities.  When folks did turn my way and give me their attention, I danced, recited or otherwise showed off my talents.  It was rewarding to be recognized for who I was and what I had to offer.

    Right now UUCE is in a similar position.  Thanks to the unfortunate flooding in May, the insurance payment has made it possible for us to re-do much of the inside structure of the building.  Thus, we are in the process of painting walls, laying carpet and generally beautifying UUCE.  Building and Grounds members have been a tremendous liaison for this important work. (Special thanks to Link who has been the point person.)

    By early fall we hope to have the building completely ready.  Our Religious Exploration Program for both adults and children is shaping up and interesting activities are planned, such as movies, Rummage Sales, parties, not to mention Fall Festival and United Caring Shelter projects.

    We are just about ready to shout, “Look at me! Look at me! If you have a yearning for a liberal religious home that encourages the pursuit of a spiritual path toward truth and meaning in a loving, diverse, community; one that commits to social justice and service, and offers excellent religious educational programs, check us out. We would love to meet you.”

    Do let us shout it out by telling our friends, encouraging visitors to get involved and by participating ourselves in the offerings at UUCE.  Together we are the change that we wish for.


In faith and service,

Rev Deane


Deane Oliva
Unitarian Universalist Church of Evansville
812 474 1704



    Sept 6 - TBA

    September 13 - Water Communion Ingathering - You are invited to bring a small container of water representing your summer as well as our faith stones passed out in June to our ingathering. We will join our individual contributions into a community bowl. Children are encouraged to participate.

    September 20 - Gateway to World Religions, Part I

    September 27 - Gateway to World Religions, Part 2  The Children's RE Program will be studying World Religions this year.  Our Sunday services will periodically join them in this exploration.  The first two services are an introduction to the process and structure of our discussion. 



    UUCE Board of Director's meets the first Monday of the month at 6:30 PM. 



    The Social Justice Committee meets the 4th Monday of each month at 6:30 at the church.

    The Communications Committee meets the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:30 at the church.

    The Stewardship Committee meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 6:30 at the church.

    The Worship Associates meet the 2nd Monday of each month at 6:30.  Location varies.



    Meditation will resume in September on the Friday after Labor Day.  It is offered Mondays and Fridays at noon at UUCE and lasts approximately 40 minutes.



    The UUCE discussion group meets the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month at 8:45 AM at Chalice House. 



    Our monthly potluck will be on September 27th following the service.  Plan to join us and gather with fellow UU’s for good food and good conversation!



    You might be a Unitarian Universalist if you know at least 5 ways to say - Happy holidays!

    You might be a Unitarian Universalist if your idea of a guy's night out is going to a N.O.W. rally.

    You might be a Unitarian Universalist if you refer to construction paper as "paper of color."

    If you find yourself rewriting a church survey, rather than taking it, you might be a UU.

    You might be a Unitarian Universalist if you think a holy day of obligation is your turn to do coffee.

    You might be a UU if you get mail from committees you didn’t know you were on.

    You might be a UU if you know at least two people who are upset that trees had to die for your church to be built.



    Summer is drawing to a close and it’s time to think about the Westside Nut Club Fall Festival!      The festival runs from Monday, October 5 through Saturday, October 10. 

    There are a number of ways you can help:

·         Help clean the booth before the festival (Saturday, October 3 at 1:00)

·         Come to the church on the 20th to help cook chicken

·         Bake chocolate chip cookies

·         Work at the booth during the festival

·         Help clean up the booth after the festival (Sunday, October 11 after church)

Sign-up sheets are available in the foyer for booth cleaning before the festival, cooking chicken, baking cookies, working the booth, and post-festival booth cleaning! 



    On Sunday, September 20 following the service we will cook chicken for the fall festival.  We need about a dozen people who are willing to cut and cook chicken.  If you have them please being electric skillets, sharp knives, and cutting boards.  Sign up in the foyer.



    We will be selling chocolate chip cookies at the fall festival booth again this year.  Please see Teri Rawlings in you can help bake!



    Choir season starts again in September.  We are actively encouraging your support!  The choir is a great way to give from the heart and to worship together.  It is our goal to have a committed core of solid singers that really satisfy.  We meet the second, third, and fourth Wednesday evenings of every month.  Please sign up on the commitment sheet in the lobby.
    Consider making some musical offering on a less weekly basis.  We're inviting the congregation to dust off those high school band instruments or break out the guitar and contribute to centering music time during our services.  Any and all forms of collaboration will be supported.  Please see Sarah Moor or sign up on the commitment sheet in the lobby.



    Don’t forget UUCE is holding a Giant Yard Sale/Recycling effort on September 11 &12.  

     Members and friends are urged to start putting aside items now, in anticipation of bringing them to the site of the Sale. Please see article below for details about bringing in items!

      Naturally, this effort will require strong backs and dedicated workers, in particular the week of September 6 and the two days of the Sale itself. If you are willing and able, your help will be much appreciated.



    While there is plenty of room in the basement of the Chalice House in which to store donations scheduled to be sold at the Sept. 10-11 Rummage Sale, the steps one must negotiate there pose a hazard.  We have elected instead to store donations in the Food Booth, where space is limited and which will soon be filled to capacity.

    To avoid turning away donations when we reach that point, we are asking you to hold onto your rummage until September 8th or 9th, when we will have tables set up in the Church proper on which to receive, sort and price everything.  Thanks for your cooperation.

Ed Howard, Chair



    UUCE member fix a meal for the folks at the United Caring Shelter the third Friday of each month.  In September our day to cook and serve is the 18th.  We begin at 3:00 and are generally done by 5:30.  Please check in the lobby to see what food items we are collection for September’s meal.   The third Sunday plate share will be used to purchase additional food items. 

    Thank you so much for your donations in past months. And remember, volunteers to help prepare and serve the food are always needed and welcome!



    The December holidays will be here before you know it!  This year we are knitting/crocheting 100% cotton washcloths for Matthew 25 - patterns are available on the Social Justice table in the foyer.



     Place your order for chocolate, cocoa, and coffee. Contact Chris Norrington - cnorrington@hotmail.com or call. 


ADULT RELIGIOUS EXPLORATION – Repeated from August issue:

     Faith development is a core component of our mission. Here is a preview, with tentative dates, of the adult RE offerings for the 2009-10 year.  Please note that childcare is always provided with advance notice.

The Monday Series- The Monday series works in conjunction with our Children’s Religious Education focus.  This year we will study The Eightfold Path. Next year this space will be reserved for the Seven Principles to accompany the RE program’s emphasis on Unitarian Universalism20and the third year we will explore the Ten Commandments which will accompany an RE emphasis on our Judeo Christian heritage.

The Eightfold Path – Offered on the third Monday of each month for eight months. This series will utilize Awakening the Buddha Within: Tibetan Wisdom for the Western World by Lama Surya Das as the structure for studying ways in which Unitarian Universalists can concretely carry out their faith on a daily basis.  It is hoped that participants will volunteer to co-lead one session.  Begins Monday September 20th

Search for Truth and Meaning- Each fall and winter UUCE will offer multi week courses on spiritual, theological, ethical development.

Building Your Own Theology: Volume I, Introduction- Fall, 2009.  Utilizing Richard Gilbert’s highly acclaimed study book Building Your Own Theology, we will spend six weeks exploring – through study, reflection, discussion and writing - our personal theological development.  Begins Thursday September 17th..

Building Your Own Theology: Volume III, Ethics- Winter, 2010.  “Ethics explores the moral implications of participants' values and beliefs, with each session featuring a different dimension of ethical decision-making: authority, motivation, responsibility, the situation, intention, relationships, values, and character.” Begins Thursday January 7th.


    One time events- Mark your calendar for a special one day workshop on Saturday October 31rst on     Preparation as we Age – Making Choices.  Time: 10-3, lunch included.


    Ongoing events- Adult Discussion Group- first and third Sundays at 8:45AM.  Hardin Rathgeber- leader.


 Covenant Groups – This year we will develop two covenant groups, one on the second Wednesday of the month and one on the second Friday of the month.  Start dates: October 14 and 16. Movies – A series on Heresy has been suggested. Keep watch for dates.  Third Thursday Brown Bag Lunch – continues.  Each month we will invite a speaker to join us for lunch and discussion.  Time: Noon until 1:15. Start date: September 17th.   Women’s Group – If we have enough interest, we have a new curriculum for interested folks.  Parent’s Group – Do we have interest in this type of group?

Over the summer, consider you schedules, your needs and desires.



     Your e-mail address is your connection to important announcements such as notices about upcoming congregational meetings.  The new UUCE policy is that e-mail, rather than postcards will be the method for members to receive information about upcoming congregational meetings and other official church notices.  

     Do you have a current e-mail on file with UUCE?   You can tell we have your current email if you have been getting the weekly church news updates.  If you don't please contact Rosi Weatherwax at waxjack@insightbb.com to update your listing if needed.



    Almost every member of UUCE is now receiving the monthly newsletter electronically.  This helps with our tight budget on both printing and mailing costs.

    If you are still receiving a hard copy and have computer access, please let Rosi Weatherwax know that you would like to receive an electronic copy.  You can contact her at waxjack@insightbb.com 



    The First Friday Shamanic Drumming Circle meets the first Friday of each month. The Third Friday Drumming Circle meets the third Friday of each month. Both meet at 7:00- 9:00 PM at the church.  All are welcome.


Thank you

Thanks to George Klinger who willingly and dutifully has labeled and distributed the hard copy newsletters for many years.  Our move to an electronic newsletter has allowed him to close down his mail shop! 






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