"Love is the spirit of this church and service its law"



2910 East Morgan
Evansville, IN  47711
(812) 474-1704



July 2009


Service Schedule:

July 5                GA hijinks

July 12              UU Heritage

July 19              TBA

July 26              TBA



    What’s just about as popular as a New Year’s Resolution?  What excites you every June? It’s the Summertime Plans List…This summer I’m going to….Vacations, camping weekends, swimming and boating are usually high on the list. Many of us also include summertime reading, all those good books that you have longed to read but didn’t quite have time for this past winter.

    In case your list isn’t long enough already, here are a few suggestions to consider:

*Life on the Color Line: The True Story of a White Boy Who Discovered He Was Black, by Gregory H Williams. This is the 2009 One Book One Community title sponsored by the Evansville Vanderburgh Public Library. It is a fascinating glimpse into race relations in Indiana in the not too distant past and it has already kicked up some lively discussion in our community. Dr. Williams will be speaking at Bosse High School on October 1 at 7:30 pm.  In addition, we will have a community roundtable (which I have been asked to participate in) as well as library branch discussion groups and, hopefully, a UUCE discussion. 

*The Children’s Story by James Clavell.  This is a very quick read, perhaps ½ hour.  It is my all time favorite entry into the fascinating land of critical thinking, mass media, propaganda and education. My fantasy is that everyone at UUCE reads this book, particularly the youth. For those who do not get a chance to read it this summer, I will have copies available in the fall. 

*Out of the Flames: the Remarkable Story of a Fearless Scholar, a Fatal Heresy, and One of the Rarest Books in the World.  By Lawrence and Nancy Goldstone.  This biography of Michael Servetus, a legendary Unitarian Universalist forerunner, will bring the period of the Reformation into brilliant context as it follows this intriguing physician and theologian through his intriguing life and brutal death.  

*The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell. This is the strangest, can’t put down book I have ever read. Here is the library’s description:  “A Jesuit priest and linguist who leads a twenty-first century expedition to a newly discovered extraterrestrial culture returns to Earth as the mission’s sole survivor, accused of heinous crimes as well as the mission’s failure.” BTW, it is the first of a trilogy.

*Three Cups of Tea: One Man’s Mission to Promote Peace One School at a Time by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin. From the publisher: in 1993 Greg Mortenson was an American mountain-climbing bum wandering emaciated and lost through Pakistan's Karakoram. After he was taken in and nursed back to health by the people of a Pakistani village, he promised to return one day and build them a school. From that rash, earnest promise grew one of the most incredible humanitarian campaigns of our time--Mortenson's one-man mission to counteract extremism by building schools, especially for girls, throughout the breeding ground of the Taliban.

    Perhaps you have some suggestions for me and others at UUCE. I’d love to know your favorites and your thoughts on these books. Email me if you would.

---In faith, love and service,

     Rev Deane


Deane Oliva
Unitarian Unversalist Church of Evansville
812 474-1704



July 5th - GA Hijinks - Fresh off the press, Rev Deane will describe the highlights of General Assembly in Salt Lake City, including information on the election of our newly elected denominational president and our four year study action  issue, ethical eating.

July 12 - This year is the 100th anniversary of the NAACP.  Did you know that a white Unitarian woman, Mary White Ovington, was one of the founders of the NAACP?  Come learn more about our UU heritage.  Jan Steinmark, Lay Leader.

July 19- TBA

July 26- TBA



    UUCE Board of Director's meets the first Monday of the month at 6:30 PM. 



    Meditation will resume in July. It is cancelled the week of July 11th and all of August.
Rev Oliva is on summer study leave or vacation most days from July 5th through August 23rd. She can be reached by cell phone 270 779 9222 or email:



    For those who missed the 6-21-09 Sunday Service.  Gemstones will be available through July 5th. Please take a gemstone from the front of the sanctuary to keep with you as a reminder of your faith and your friends as you travel this summer.  If you would, return the stone at our water communion service in the fall.



    Others call it a yard sale, garage sale, or rummage sale, but Unitarians call it recycling.  And it's been years since we've had a combined effort to raise money by this means. Whatever one calls it, we are planning to have one on Friday & Saturday, September 11 &12 on the grass area and parking lot of the Church.  

   Members and friends are urged to start putting aside items now, in anticipation of bringing them to the site of the Sale, but no sooner than August 15.  If you need help, the Committee will assist in transporting your donations from your home to the Church, where they will be stored in the Chalice House.  

   After discussing what will sell and what won't, the Committee has decided to refuse certain items, namely, analog TV sets, broken or non-functioning appliances, and adult clothing.  Articles of clothing for children will be accepted.

     This is our chance to raise some much-needed funds for our operating budget, to rid our homes of clutter, and to bring expressions of delight to addicted yard sale habitues.

    Naturally, this effort will require strong backs and dedicated workers, in particular the week of September 6 and the two days of the Sale itself. If you are willing and able, your help will be much appreciated. A sign-up list will be circulated during Sunday services as we approach the dates of the event.  Ed Howard, Chair.



    The kids in our Religious Exploration class have made small decorative birdhouses - available on the table in the foyer - donations appreciated!  On Sunday, July 26th they will be making another project for our August Kids' Fundraiser.  We appreciate your support!



    All of us would like to donate generously to the financial running of our church, and here are two ways that won't cost you a cent!   When you are preparing to search cyberspace go to www.goodsearch.com, type in the charity as "Unitarian Universalist Church of Evansville" and each search generates about a penny.  And when you are shopping on-line, just take one additional step - first go to www.goodshop.com, (again the charity is Unitarian Universalist Church of Evansville) then click on your store and place your order - and the store will donate a percentage to our church!  Now, how easy is that?



    UUCE members prepare the evening meal for the folks at the United Caring Shelter the third Friday of each month.  In July our day to cook and serve is the 17th.  We begin at 3:00 and are generally done by 5:30.  In July we are requesting carrots, peas, egg noodles, and cream of celery soup.  Please bring your donations to church by July 15th.   The third Sunday plate share will be used to purchase additional food items. 

    Thank you so much for your donations of green beans and potatoes in June. And remember, volunteers to help prepare and serve the food are always needed and welcome!



    Our monthly potluck will be on July 26 following the service.  Plan to join us and gather with fellow UU’s for good food and good conversation!



     Place your order for chocolate, cocoa, and coffee. Contact Chris Norrington - cnorrington@hotmail.com or call.  Thanks for your continued support of this project that helps the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee. 



    The First Friday Shamanic Drumming Circle meets the first Friday of each month at 7:00- 9:00 PM at the church.  All are welcome.

    The Third Friday Drumming Circle meets the third Friday of each month at 7:00- 9:00 PM at the church.  All are welcome.



    The UUCE discussion group meets the 1st and 3rd and 5th Sundays of the month at 8:45 AM at the Chalice House.  The topic for July 5 is: What stories do humans tell to convince ourselves we have a special place in the Universe.  The July 19th topic is undecided at this time.


   Want to contribute to the church in a meaningful way but only have, say, 20 minutes a week to spare? Perfect! Be a greeter! Greeters are those wonderful, smiling people you've noticed welcoming people at the door, passing out hymnals in the sanctuary, and straightening up chairs after the service on Sundays. It's a fun, easy, and important job that doesn't take much time at all. Interested? See me, Lauren Talley, in church, or contact me via email (xgj36@hotmail.com) or phone. I look forward to hearing from you!



    As noted in the Courier and Press story below CAJE continues to make an impact on Evansville.  What the story doesn’t tell you is that UUCE’s very own Mark Rigney was one of the presenters regarding the issue of public transportation. As he told us during the Sunday program he gave at church, he has also traveled extensively seeking information on his subject.
     At the CAJE meeting he told the gathering that METS had agreed that a representative of theirs would speak at the CAJE action night program. The printed program indicated the same, but no one from METS showed up. Mark gave a presentation himself.
    Also, among the many, many ministers present, it was Deane who was chosen to give the closing prayer.  She directed the prayer to "Spirit of Life, Spirit of Love". -Junis


By Susan Orr staff writer for the Evansville Courier and Press

     Evansville's Affordable Housing Trust Fund got a boost Thursday night when Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel pledged to commit $1 million in city funding to the cause.

    The mayor made the commitment in front of about 900 members of Congregations Acting for Justice and Empowerment (CAJE), a grass-roots group of 11 congregations focused on social justice issues.

    The members gathered at St. Benedict Cathedral for their annual action assembly, in which CAJE presses public officials for specific commitments to address community issues.

    At this year's meeting, the focus was on two issues: affordable housing and public transportation.

    CAJE first considered the housing issue in 2007. The transportation issue is new for the group this year.

    Evansville established a housing trust fund several years ago with $1 million from Casino Aztar revenues. That money has been spent, CAJE officials said, and since then the trust fund has sat idle.

    At the meeting, Weinzapfel promised the city will contribute $500,000 both in 2010 and 2011 to the fund.

    All of that money will be used for housing for people living at or below 50 percent of median income.

    The mayor also pledged the city will work with CAJE to identify additional funding sources, with an ultimate goal of finding $2 million per year for the trust fund; and that he would work with CAJE and Vanderburgh County officials to seek county funding for the cause.

    Weinzapfel told the group the city is committed to providing more affordable housing, and he challenged those present to also do their part.

    "We recognize that there's a lot more to be done, but it's not just government that can do it," the mayor said.

    On CAJE's second target issue, public transportation, the meeting was not as successful.

    Over the past several months, CAJE members have met with representatives from the Metropolitan Evansville Transportation System and the Evansville Metropolitan Planning Organization as well as elected officials, area employers and others.

    But no one from METS was present at the meeting to hear CAJE press its case for improved public transportation. However, Tom Barnett, executive director of the Evansville Metropolitan Planning Organization, was present.

    The Rev. Jay Davidson, a member of CAJE's executive committee, said he was disappointed but not discouraged that no one from METS accepted CAJE's invitation to the meeting.

    Davidson reminded the crowd that CAJE had a similar experience when it first proposed a dental clinic for those in need.

    The group continued to press the issue, and a dental clinic opened in 2006.

    "Hang in there with us — we will succeed," Davidson told the group.

Making Coffee at UUCE

    Now is the time to demythologize coffee brewing at UUCE. 


    The coffee maker is on a timer. The timer is set to AUTO for Sunday coffee making. On Sundays simply follow the steps below. For any other day of the week one must first turn the timer to ON, wait 15 (fifteen) minutes for the water to heat, and then proceed to the steps below.

MAKING COFFEE – All supplies are in the cabinet below the coffee maker.

1)   Put clean filter in the filter basket.

2)   Add coffee:

a)    Decaffeinated coffee comes in packets, one packet per pot of coffee.

b)   Caffeinated coffee is measured into filter basket – ½ cup per pot. There is a measuring spoon in the coffee canister.

Place empty coffee pot on lower

1)   burner.

2)   Turn burner warmer on.

3)   Pour one pitcher (or one pot) of water into the top right fill spot on coffee maker.

4)   Wait for coffee pot to fill.


1)   Turn off burners.

2)   Rinse coffee pot.

Put timer back on AUTO



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